Find Missing Covers Automatically

When matching with MusicBrainz or Discogs, Jaikoz usually finds album artwork and adds it to your music files. Importantly, Jaikoz only replaces cover art with higher quality artwork and unlike iTunes the images are added directly into your files so they are always available whatever music player you are using.

By only matching cover art that has been verified by MusicBrainz or Discogs, Jaikoz gives better results than some systems that just match to generic image websites such as Google Images.

Highly Configurable

Jaikoz always embeds the artwork into your actual music files, so they are available to any application. However in some scenarios you may also require your cover art to be stored in separate files alongside the music files, the Save Artwork to Filesystem option does this.

For example Squeezebox Hi-Fi requires the artwork to be stored separately and it also requires the filename to be not the more usual, this can also be configured by Jaikoz.

The Sonos Wireless Hi-Fi Systems only work properly if artwork is no greater than 1024 x 1024 pixels. Within Jaikoz the minimum and maximum image size can be configured then Jaikoz will resize images larger than the maximum automatically.

Find Artwork Locally

Jaikoz automatically inserts images from your computer files if the images are in the same folder as the songs using Local Artwork Correct, this is very useful when your album art has been provided separately to your Music file. Jaikoz supports adding artwork to mp3, wma, mp4, flac and ogg formats.

Organise and Edit your Artwork

It is easy to sort your music within Jaikoz to show songs that have no artwork. Use Drag and Drop, Set Value, Copy and Paste to easily add artwork from other web pages.